Saturday, October 15, 2016

How To Customize Blogger Template

If you want to change or customize your blogger template, then I will guide you on setting your template in a simple way just by downloading a free template for blogger. There are many sites offering free blogger themes to download. Just search on your favorite blogger themes and download it. Make to extract it and see if it has an xml file for the template.

Customizing your blogger template

Login to your blogger account and head over to template settings.

blogger template settings

Click on Backup / Restore in template settings.

uploading blogger template

You can backup your latest template before uploading a new one. Just click on Upload button if you want to upload a new theme for your blog. It must be an xml file or else it will give you an error of course.

uploading blogger template

Just choose your favorite template you downloaded and just edit all necessary things before seeing it live online. Editing is just simple. Just click on Edit HTML in template settings. All the customization for your template free and you can do whatever to make your theme more unique. If you are not familiar with HTML, you can take a tutorial on it. If you are interested on learning HTML, then it will be easy for you to catch up.

edit blogger template

So, this is just a simple way on how you can upload a new blogger template. 
